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Day - Sensei

Welcome! Aikido of the Illawarra, is a dojo dedicated to training in the teachings of Aikido as passed down to us by Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido. Sensei will teach you the importance of hard training, a joyful class atmosphere. Day Sensei believes that the strength of Aikido is in embracing others in this kind of dynamic atmosphere where new trainees in Aikido could learn this art among friends. Other principles of the style of teaching are building up of the body, learning to do the techniques, learning to go with the flow, learning to apply all of your energy to one point, and learning to work with weapons. Our goal here is to deeply understand the basic principles of the art whereby we can then advance into the deeper levels of the art in an organic and natural way. All this makes Aikido more than just a martial art. It makes our practice and training in Aikido a vehicle by which we can develop our character along with that of our training partners. It is our hope that the discipline of training in Aikido, as a budo, will eventually result in a "flowing and flexible mind" that is able to react to anything it confronts, instinctively, fearlessly, and without hesitation, regardless of the situation". Please accept our invitation to come and join us in the practice of this beautiful and amazing martial art. We hope that you will also come to experience the many benefits that it offers. Feel free to contact us if we can answer any questions or help you in any way.

Ostend - Renshi

Renshi Ostend started his Aikido journey under the guidance of Sensei Rodney Day in November 2003. He has been a regular instructor at Illawarra Aikido since 2013.

He is passionate about all aspects of Aikido he teaches , from the crucial roll of ukemi in training to the advanced weapons practice and everything in between. Renshi Ostend also enjoys preparing his fellow Aikidoka for their gradings on their own journey down Aikido’s endless path. This endless path still inspires him every time he bows onto the mat, a blending of body and mind through constant training in Aikido.

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